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(1 edit) (+1)

Few questions.

Regarding the game;

Q1: Will there be more variations of aura skills for us to obtain? If so, will it be in the full version or one of the early versions?

Q2: In the full version, will there be different endings to the game?

Q3: Will there be more crystals in the game?

Regarding the updated news;

You mentioned that it would be released in 2023. For that, what month would you expect it to release? If you're not sure of that, will it be near the start of the year, the middle, or the end?

The next thing you mentioned is that duels would give you reputation. What is reputation supposed to do in the game?

That's all my questions for now. Have a nice day!

Q1: Yes. It will be for the full version.

Q2: Yes.

Q3: Yes.

Release: At this rate, I will be pushing the game to a much later date. A 2023 release isn't realistic now considering the work that needs to be done and the limited time I have nowadays. However, I am considering releasing a demo version which includes Month 3.

Reputation: It will be introduced starting Month 3. It will unlock sidequests, influence options with other NPCs and quests, and unlock other features as the game progresses.

(1 edit) (+1)

Well developed game, with my only real complaint being: kinda annoying in how it tries to imitate RL, while still being a game (scripted events).

Ps. For those that like to min/max, here's some info on the starting choices:

[spoiler]Note: Had deleted the game, now that I've reached the end, so this is from memory, so it may be wrong.

A. The object: [Each also includes a bonus +1 to def and res, besides flute]

Sword: +1atk, Yarn: +1mag, Flute: +1att and mag, Mirror: +2agi

B. Action in response to object:

Use: +1 atk, Keep: +1 mag, Give: +1 agi, Sell: +1def and res

C. Power; determines your starting element.

Control=Fire, Defense=Gaia, Provision=Aqua, Equality=Volt

Ps. I would recommend control or provision; leaning towards provision since loads of mobs are weak to it, and if you choose to continue fight the fire spirit you'll get a crystal for the t2 fire spell. [Personally, would have preferred the dagger, so I don't use Mp and no CD, but there's only 4 crystals in the game so far, and they have their own equipment slot.]

D. Virtue, the house choice. [Each house has their own daily item]

1. Foxhelm; rootbeer [restores 50 to both HP and MP; up=doubles]

2. Soulstice: tea [+75mp; up=all][edit: all as in party, not full restore.]

3. Vissage: apple [+100hp; up=all]

4. Drakewood: coffee [temp remove tired; cures sleep; up cures tired], plus halves the well cost, along w/ being closest to the free daily oakwood pile & cafe.

After you complete the itemcrafting class, and have house recipe, you can make some upgraded versions.

Do note that once the cafe opens, you can buy all the house items, besides Apples, there. For the apples, you can farm them in the 1st map.


Thanks for the feedback and for the min/max info in case people want to make the most of their runs!

As for the "complaint" can you expound more on how you think it's "annoying in how it tries to imitate RL, while still being a game"? I'd like to understand more about how you felt so I can think about ways going forward. Thanks!

(3 edits) (+1)

Apologies for the late reply, don't visit much.

TL;DR - Refer to the (scripted events); game allows you some freedom and gives you some choices [that doesn't seem to have a major impact yet] but it still railroads you to an outcome. Though, I guess most games are basically just kinetic novels, so my complaint is kinda moot.

[spoiler] Anyways, the last chapter I played [eg. The exam/village] is what I mean. Played it as a traditional rpg, aka explore and interact with stuff to find things. Problem here is by doing this you end up getting hit with 'demerits', aka the guard and adventures. Like, you couldn't even put the potion back or return the gold after interacting w/ the chests. -- No choice of taking it, you just do. And the whole point of you being there was to investigate.

And when I reloaded to a prior save, you can't get the permit or even tell the guard about the circumstances, since the story is you rush to save the kid. You're basically railroaded into ending up in prison, so you can eavesdrop on that convo.

A prior one is how you end up having to retake one of the classes, since it's scripted that you're in class with those narcists.[/spoiler]

Ps. One of the reasons I got tired of visual novels.

Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit) (+1)

I just downloaded the game marked as 0.8 from Itch and it is 0.7 instead please fix that.

Hi! It's probably a typo I left out. But rest assured it's the 0.8 version.

(2 edits) (+1)

It ended at the spot with the judge's circle like the one I downloaded a while back. In the felhert region in month 2. I'm fairly sure it is the older one. And I have read about further encounters in this comment page.

I'll look into it. Thanks Briar88!

Upon review, here are two things in the game which indicates you are playing v0.8:
1. New battle backgrounds instead of the default RPG Maker backgrounds;

2. You can view the calendar in the bulletin boards.

(4 edits)

Isn't there supposed to be a third month and dueling? And I 've only just heard about the Manavoid on the comments page here and have never seen it in game. A lot of the things I have heard about the steam version is all new and beyond what I have here.

The third month is still in the works. I've stated it in the devlog to loop people in on what's happening in the development right now.

Manavoid is cast by the shadow figure you encounter the first time you enter the Academy, right after you talk to Ein for the first time.


I tried the Steam demo version. For some reason when I fight the Manavoid guy my screen gets permanently burned by a wierd light that does not come off even if I start a new game

Hi! Other users have reported this issue and the common scenario is because of outdated drivers or the specs were not high enough. Try updating your computer's drivers first and see if that fixes the issue.


hey. with the eventual updates. will my progress be saved after updating or will i have to restart the game?

When the full game gets released everyone will have to start a new game to avoid bugs. This demo version probably won't be updated in a while though since it's pretty stable as it is.

(1 edit) (+1)

Just reached the current end to the PC version, 4 bugs/issues to report:

- Settings in 'Options' are not saved, they only last the current gaming session.

- The main menu misses an 'exit game' option; currently requires Alt-F4, or closing the window if in windowed mode.

- In the village at the end of the current version, there is one bed which you can walk over.

- The current version listed is 'WINDOWS Lawmage Academy v0.8', but the current end of game refers to 0.7 (installation using itch's installer, if it matters).

Thanks for the bug reports! These are noted.


I really love this guys 

I'm happy that you love it!

(1 edit) (+1)

Few questions, as you know from my username.

1. Will there be a mobile version? I'd doubt it since I assume this is your first game, but I would rather be sure than be wondering for 20 years.

2. Will there be more games like this created by you? I love the concept of the game, the pixel art style, and so on. I would love to see more like this.

3. Will the fully released version have to be paid for? I'm asking this cause I usually don't spend money on games.

Also, maybe you remember me from the username relating to "I love Lawmage Academy." or something like that.

edit: Trying the game now after about 5 months, excited to see how it's changed.

Hello! Welcome back!

1. I will focus on finishing the pc/mac version first then port to other systems. 

2. I would love to make more games so after I finish this, I will make more games!

3. Yes, but don't worry I will find ways to do giveaways as well by engaging with the community. e.g.) Discord

P.S. I haven't updated the game recently because this is the latest stable version. But I hope you find new things that you haven't encountered in your previous playthrough!


I have encountered a few new things, at least that I noticed.

1. I figured out how to get Enburn as the first spell that you learn, and I figure it's about how you answer, AKA your game personality.

2. I feel like the game was way longer than the last time I played this. I played this in the morning, and it was nighttime when I finished it. In my time zone, I would've played this at 4:56, and now it's 8:08 (PM).

3. I was amazingly invested, as last time it was just a time passer, and I was aware of my surroundings. However, through this playthrough, I've been staring at my computer for the longest time I have. 

You did great so far, and I hope when I come back in 5 months, yet again, there will be much more.


Aaaaah. Now you're giving me an idea. Since the game is far from being released, maybe I can update the demo instead with new side content and optimization in the first 2 months. OR I could add Month 3 to the demo. We'll see...


Looks good, love the battles.



The game won't be free, will it? What price are you expecting to put on.


Yes. For the full release I'm eyeing $20 USD on Steam. The price will be lower for other regions though.  I'm also open to doing discounts whenever I can.


seems good. Just finished the demo now and i really want an option to join the judges. also there is a typo in the first meeting with the manor of (forgot the name, but the ones that study alot). if i remember correctly there was an s missing the end of a word. also, probably just my shitty laptop, but the game freezes everynow and then, making me restart. again, likely just my ram. great game. cant wait for the full release. 


Ah thanks! I've fixed some typos already but haven't gone to update the demo since it's only minor issues. I probably covered that one. Well noted. There were random crashes and freezes in other people's game and streams, as you said it is most likely the person's hardware issue than an issue with the actual game code. I think the engine (RPG Maker MV) is also at fault though, sorry about that. ^-^"


Last question. Is it worth playing all the routes?


I'd say it is worth it to play at least twice. There's no definite "route" but every playthrough will most likely have a lot of little differences since you'll be making different decisions. Some people in the Discord have even played the demo more than 3 times. While there are a few different endings, things can also go slightly differently every game month since players have control of their schedule and responses to quests.


THIS GAME IS SO GOOD WHAT????? by the way, i've been wondering since i noticed ponpon (i think that's what his name is- the guy who got hurt in the fire with alyssa) was missing that i couldn't seem to find him?? What happened to him? Is he okay?

Thank you! Yes, he's ok. You can find him for some time resting in the Infirmary after Combat Basics. He will also be playable in the full game starting on Month 3. ^-^


Thank goodness! I was worried. can't wait for  the full game!


:( so sad that the game can't come out sooner! Love it so much-are you planning to finish by next year?

That's the plan! I'll try to finish by 2023. But if I can't, I'll give it more time because I'd rather ensure quality than to rush it.


Can't wait for the full game. Did not realize it wasn't complete, till game stopped. Nicely done so far.


will there be dating and will there be a third option for that fairy quest instead of breaking it you restore it instead


1.) Sort of. Think more like Persona 3 or 4 where "dating" is more like spending quality time with friends and growing together.
2.) Probably not.


will there be ultimate skills per dorm 

The Aura Skills will be unique to each character. As for the main character, I'm still in the process of thinking about it. Maybe I vary the ultimate skill based on your House.

maybe do it for magic too


Just started playing the demo today! The graphics are great and eyecandy - main characters design, opening sequence and menu design. 

Thank you very much!

(1 edit) (+2)

will it be done soon and will outfits be different per house


It will take at least one more year to finish. The main character's outfit will change colors only.

(3 edits) (+1)

will there be different hair colors and will there be other ways to get the other skill books and i think it would be cool to have magic spell that instantly destroy shield or an aura skill that does the same cause that boss with 10 shield get very annoying but otherwise good game it is pretty close to perfect


For the main character, the hair color will stay the same.

Yes, there will be other ways to get spell books and learn other aura skills. It will be fun to play around with those. :)

I think the game is being a bit glitchy?

there is a giant white ball that's covering the entire center of the screen.

i'll try again with the index.html one and see.

just loads indefinitely it seems. guess might try pushing it through proton maybe instead of my systems default wine installation.

nope XD wont launch *shrugs* guess i'll keep trying this till i figure out what it is.

Are you using Linux? I'll ask around and see if my friend was able to make it work

ya, i'm running linux, gentoo to be specific.

it looks like it seems to work with wine using the Game.exe except for the visual glitches ,

there is like some weird white lines that appear just after exiting the first building but their very faint and easily ignored.
just after entering the main building for the first time there is a white orb and a ?battle? , the white orb stays covering the screen afterwards making it impossible to see anything.
oddly if i start i new game without rebooting the entire game first the white orb is still there in the new game, this is really the key point when i realized this white orb isn't actually suppose to stay there XD.


time to get wizarding again so let me get my owl my broom and wand and lets play lawmage academy and have fun =D


(2 edits) (+2)

I played through the entire demo in one sitting and it was a fantastic experience! Great fantasy-world visuals, great music, and the "Harry Potter meets JPRG" premise had me hooked. My favorite scene was the trial at the Falhert town, I had a good laugh at the game poking fun at how commonly accepted it is in video games to just barrage into random townspeoples' homes and steal their belongings, and I enjoyed seeing our heroes get actual consequences for doing so.

I was shocked at how much content there was since this is just a demo, but I'm excited for the full thing!

I had a good laugh at the game poking fun at how commonly accepted it is in video games to just barrage into random townspeoples' homes and steal their belongings

Exactly! Chrono Trigger did this and that inspired me to do something similar.

Thanks! I've been working on Month 3 lately. It will introduce the Duel System as a new game mechanic and expands content on the existing game mechanics. :D

Awesome! Is there a date/general timeframe for when we can expect Month 3 to drop? :o


Hmm I can't promise yet because I might just release the full game next. It might take a while so please stay tuned!


A very engaging and fun game, it kept me up all night until I finished it, I didn't realize it was a demo until it was too late though lol. I noticed something interesting though, in an event with one student I was asked what my family did and had a choice between merchant and farmer I think it was. Then in an event with the childhood friend, the topic was brought up again and he commented on my parents being merchants, so it seemed like my earlier choice affected this completely unrelated event. They were the one on one conversations if I wasn't being clear. Did my choice actually change the dialogue of a separate event or was it coincidence?

Thanks! Yes, your choice in Dialogue 1 affected the reply of a different character in Dialogue 2. I'm experimenting with different types of making choices. In some choices, it's obvious that it will make an impact later on. In other choices, like the one you mentioned, it seems like a very minor thing up until the game references it later. e.g.) Your background

What I plan to do is that you'll have these background checks every now and then and that could affect future quests. For example, if you're a merchant, you can sort of haggle with the traveling merchant in the first mission and you can sell the old coin (found in the cemetery) for a higher price.


That's really awesome and creative! It's subtle, but it's very immersive and improves the overall enjoyment. You're a genius!

Thank you for the kind words! A lot of things in the demo are experimental since it's my first game so it's good to know what people think of it. ^-^"


Very fun demo. enjoyed the game greatly. Good work

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

I can't seem to find glowshrooms??? Could someone help me out?

Go to Xoclat Hills, talk to the Fairy near the entrance and get transported to Fairy Forest.


Ok. Thanks


This is such an amazing game. I love it so much and got sad when I remembered it was a demo. I didn't want to stop playing. Your doing an amazing job!!!!

Thank you very much! I am happy you enjoyed it! <3



Would be Enheal upgraded to better version of that healing spell later in game or that going to be different spell?

I really want to learn some dark magic, when that possibility will be added?

That possible to obtain Glowshroom at demo? I really want that awesome Blood Cloak.


1.) There will be a different spell.

2.) Maybe. :)

3.) Yes, you can get those in the Fairy Forest in Xoclat Hills.


Thanks ‘>’


And here i though debuff spell was consider dark magic, i was wrong.

(3 edits) (+2)

Some questions.

A) Will there be character customization?

B) Will the gnome in Arashiya Forest mean anything in the story-line?

C) Will there be a dating system- Same sex or only the opposite?

D) Will you be able to learn spells like Transio, Enburn, or Enaero? (I know that time management is a big aspect to this game, so I suggest if you are going to add Transio, make it hard to get the spell book, and make the spell limited to where you go. ALSO! I think that Transio should only used outside. for example, fairy forest. Transio anywhere would make the keeper outside the houses useless)

And a reminder; Don't rush updates, remember to rest instead of always working on the game. Again, a reminder. Anyways, wish you well, stay safe and happy.


Hello! First of all, I love your name. Secondly, thank you for these questions.

A) No, because it's my first game and I don't have the technical capacity to do it yet. Character customization requires some bug testing and a lot of art resources so I won't be implementing that for this game.

B) Yes, but in a minor way. I will try to maximize every decision the player makes so players will feel that their decisions really matter.

C) In a limited way, yes. You can "date" all characters regardless of your gender, but their reactions will be different of course.

D) Enburn yes. You can learn it in the demo depending on your choices in the beginning of the game. As for other spells, I will still have to think about it. For Transio, right now my decision is no. There's a lot of factors to think about in terms of game mechanics and also lore wise. So I have to be careful about it.

Thank you very much for the words of encouragement too!

Ooh! I thought of one question just now, will atleast one of the enemies that we encountered in Arashiya Forest be friend-able?

Last question, I promise!

Yes >w>


In game you can use some teleports when you finished priority mission at the end of map (dont remember where ‘>’) and teleport closer to the exit, maybe Transio spell will be teleport character at this places using choice like mechanic? But it will be legal calendar count bypass and at my opinion may break calendar and end up in error with game crush. Crystals can also be used as teleport station and not only save progress (cliché). 

Ah yes in the Xoclat Hills dungeon, once you defeated the Garuda there will be a teleport portal that brings you to the entrance map. Do you mean like that?



Now I remember, I'm the guywholikeslawmageacademy but reincarnated.


Is anyone else's game not working or is it just me? It keeps on saying it something's wrong

Hi! Can you specify what operating system and computer you're using? Are you using MAC or Windows? What version? Any other details will help.


I'm using a macOS with an M1 chip and I'm not sure about the rest, sorry

Ahhh  I see. Can you click the apple icon at the top, click "About this mac", and tell me the details listed there?


ok, so it's a macOS air M1 2020 model with an 11.1 version with an Apple M1 chip it has a memory of 8GB and a macintosh HD startup disk?

I see. It's probably an incompatibility with 11.1 version. Sorry about that. :(


Hey there, i know my question will be some kind of spoiler but is there any stronger tipe weapon for bow and how do i get it? I mean after i read the second book at library i got a receip for cleric series weapon, but it's just for sword, mace, and spear.

Go get the Gold Ring in Xoclat Hills then talk to Khadir. It will trigger a questline for a better bow.

Um sorry but who i Khadir? I have a hard time for remembering NPC name

In Vissage Garden there is a shop that sells crystals.


Hey there, i wanna ask something.

How can i go into the hole in big tree at Arasia Forest?

When i try, it say the hole is too small for me to enter.

There's no way to go inside yet in the demo. Sorry!


It's ok, i just want to chek if i'm not miss any secret in the game.


Is there actually any other games with school system like this? If not let's hope this game inspires a whole generation of them.

I took inspiration from Persona 3/4 and Mana Khemia for the school system. I wanted to merge those two systems and so Lawmage Academy was created. ^-^



Will do! Thanks for the encouragement!


I was on Steam and saw about the Terraria wiki moving to It me think that we and anyone making indie games could use to host a wiki. I believe from Year 1: The First Step from November 2019, it mentioned about a wiki, but the wiki network I mentioned could be great if you don't have your own server and don't want to use Fandom.

I had planned on a wiki once my game gets developed and shared, but I didn't want to use Fandom especially since they forced the FandomDesktop/Mobile skin and retired the Oasis/Hydra skin, a change that many people didn't like. I also found you on Discord and added you as a friend.


This game is one of the few that I will play over and over. I usually avoid playing demos because I would rather wait for the full game, but I do not regret trying the demo at all! There is so much to do and so many different choices that no matter how many times I play there is always something new to try. Can't wait for the full release!

Thanks tealoveraliza! That means a lot to me~


I love the game!  The art is great, and the system is really promising.  I can hardly wait to see what comes next!  I particularly like the idea of learning spells and such through studying texts.  I'd love to see that expanded.  I'm also digging the story!  Looking forward to more updates!

Thank you very much! Apologies for the slow updates. I'm giving the game as much time as it needs so it won't feel rushed. Thanks for your interest and for the kind words.


No worries!  Take the time to do it right.  I'd rather wait and have a great game then get updates and the quality fall short.  If you ever need writing/dialogue help, shoot me a message!


I wish more games have this format of school.


Thank you. I wish so too, so I just made a game that I want to play. >3<"


So far,its working ok in Joiplay Emulator

I hope the full version will also work on Joiplay.


Since this is a RPG Maker MV Game,its possible to port it on Android for the full version so it doesn't need Joiplay Emulator now.

I'll comment again if i experienced a error in Joiplay

I'll look forward to the full version next year!


Sure! I plan to finish the PC version first then hopefully port of mobile in the future.


RPG Maker MV and MZ do allow mobile exports though the game would need a lot of edits to work on mobile especially since phones tend to have smaller screens (a large screen tablet or Chromebook would be no issue) than computers. Another issue is that Lawmage Academy runs at 1280x720 which works perfectly for most Windows laptops and 16:9 monitors (although some computers, such as Macs, use different aspect ratios), but phones often have wider screens like 19:9, Android tablets are typically 16:10, and the iPad is 4:3. RPG Maker MV can work on a device's different resolution but the game will be letterboxed or pillarboxed. It can be more complicated for games that rely on files or plugins that are intended for a specific resolution where they may not work well if the project is edited to use a different resolution.

I believe Apple and Google do require some hoops similar to Steam, although iOS would require a Mac while Android development can work on Mac, Windows, and Android. There is a thread about this, Exporting to Android (MV Android Client). On a similar note, it's possible to upload Android games through which can be ran on any Android device, but the device will need to allow non-Google Play apps. In theory, they could also work on an Android emulator, a Chromebook, or Windows 11 if support arrives.

I assume on a modern Apple or good name brand device (Google, Samsung, and OnePlus), the games could work well but I can't guarantee how it'll perform for older or low-spec devices especially cheap no-name devices from Amazon as their specs tend to be poor for an Android 10 device.


So recently I've replayed this game and I really like it, but I have a question.

In the game there seems to be references to a possible "evil" route. Is there going to be an evil route or will doing bad things (like breaking the crystal in the Fairy village despite being told not to) during your time at the academy be overlooked? 

I'm sorry if you already answered this, but I love having the option to be evil or even just generally being the bad guy in these sort of games.

There are branching "paths" for sure. Whether or not that path is "evil" is up to the player to decide. :D


makes sense, after all, "good" and "evil" are all inherent concepts provided to us by our own perception of the world, what you consider to be "good" might be another person's "evil"


when will the full game be released 


I'm eyeing for a 2023 release to give myself enough time to finish it. :D


A friend told me to check this out and even though i haven't played the demo i'm already looking forward to the full release! best of luck to the developer(s) and i hope you guys stay safe <3

Thank you very much~ I hope you try out the demo, it's made with lots of love and it's free too! <3

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